Making Adventist Education affordable is a top priority. Please contact the business manager (K-12 school) or principal (K-8 school) to start the financial aid process.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and type industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the standard dummy text ever since the when an unknown was popularised. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting remaining unchanged.
Health and Pension
Lorem Ipsum has been the standard dummy text ever since the when an unknown was popularised. It has survived not only five centuries. but also the leap into electronic typesetting remaining unchanged.
Vacation Time
Lorem Ipsum has been the standard dummy text ever since the when an unknown was popularised. It has survived not only five centuries. but also the leap into electronic typesetting remaining unchanged.
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Baybarz Scholarship (elementary students)
- SECC school administrators determine application recipients. Not need based.
Pacific Union Endowment Scholarship (academy students)
- SECC school administrators determine application recipients. Not need based.
Vcelak Scholarship
- This scholarship is available for students in black families.
- Each school has a limited amount to distribute.
Low Income Scholarship
- Application available at a SECC school finance office. Applications are processed at the school.
Ethnic Scholarship
- Application available on the SECC website and submitted to the respective ethnic department.
Operation Rescue Education
- Application is available to Hispanic students who are attending a Hispanic church.
- Families must contact their local church education coordinator to receive the scholarship.
- First time students will receive a one-time tuition payment in the amount of $250.00. Recurring students will receive $150.00.
Pacific Union Next Step Scholarship
- Kindergarten
- The Scholarship amount is $750 for kindergarten students only. Each school has a limited amount to distribute.
- 9th grade
- The scholarship amount is $2,500 for 9th grade students only. Priority is given to eighth grade graduates of one of our K-8 schools who will attend a TK-12 school for high school.
- Each school has a limited amount to distribute.
- Contact your school on how to apply.
SECC Boarding School Endowment Fund Application is available for 9-12. Please submit your application to
Cynthia Garcia at Cynthia.Garcia@seccsda.org
- 1st semester Application
Due no later than November 1. - 2nd semester application
Due between December 1 and April 1.
- Application available on the SECC website and submitted to the respective ethnic department.
3-Way Scholarship (Church/Conference/University)
- Applications available on the SECC website and submitted to the Treasury Department, Attention Kim Brown. Applications accepted beginning March 1.
- Available for full-time graduate and post-graduate Hispanic students who are North America Division-based, faithful Seventh-day Adventist Church members in good standing, and whose financial resources are inadequate to enable them to complete their graduate school education.
- Click Here (https://sec.naddocs.org/Forms/Hispanic-Scholarship-Fund) to apply.
Teacher’s (Education) Scholarship
- Application accepted from Feb. 1 – April 15.
To assist students graduating from 12th. grade who wants to be a teacher in a Seventh-day Adventist school and to continue an education at a Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher education. Applications reviewed by SECC Office of Education. - To apply, click here Growing Young Leaders Application
- Final award issued by the Union. DEADLINE, APRIL 15.
Submit completed application and attachments to academy principal. The principal will submit the completed application to Cynthia Garcia at the SECC Office of Education.
Pacific Union Endowment Scholarship
- Available for 12th grade and undergraduate college students.
- Application available on April 1.
- Limited space is available.
- To request an application, click here PUC Application Request
- For additional questions, contact the SECC Office of Education, Cynthia Garcia at Cynthia.Garcia@seccsda.org

Volunteers are required to complete a series of steps and forms based on their level of involvement. Please find your category and complete all the steps and turn in forms to your local school.
Special Event Visitor: Individuals who attend/assist with a couple special on-campus events (i.e. Class Christmas Party, Concert, Child’s Birthday) and whose only interaction with the students is in the presence of an administrator or teacher.
- Nothing Required.
Level 1: Basic Volunteers/Field Trip:
Volunteers who accompany students while on off-campus trips and are with students for no more than 32 hours in a school year.
- Online Child Safety Training & Background Check: Sterling Volunteers provides training and a background check. Register for Sterling by clicking Here.
- If driving students, must abide by following guidelines and provide school drivers license and insurance information:
Level 2: Extended Volunteers/Overnight Trips:
Volunteers who have frequent or prolonged contact with students (More than 32 hours in the year). Examples include: anyone on an overnight school trip, coaches, and individuals who volunteer at the school on a weekly basis.
- School Volunteer Commitment (to be filed at the school)
- Complete a volunteer training module for child safety and provide a certificate of completion to the school. Required training accessed HERE. Training takes 2 hours to complete.
- Complete LiveScan Background Check Take the form linked to one of the approved LiveScan Locations.
- Tuberculosis Screening Assessment
(If you answer “Yes” to any question on the TB Assessment, please use the TB Test Form) (To be on file with the school, showing a negative test within the past four years – California Health and Safety Code 121540)
If driving students, must abide by following guidelines and provide school drivers license and insurance information: